S.O.B N 64T 2M...


sacré Charlemagne

sacré Charlemagne D 32T 4M 3restarts 1final...


same song

same song N 48T 2M 3Restarts...



sangria N 32T 4M 1tag 1restart...


see ya cecilia

see ya cecilia I 72T 4M...


seminole wind

seminole wind D 1 M en cercle...


seven year ache for two

seven year ache for two D 32T couple...


she drives me crazy

she drives me crazy N 32T 4M 2 tags/restarts...


she made my day

she made my day D 32T 2M...



sicilia N 32T 4M 2restarts...


single man

single man N 32T 2M 2restarts...



sinner I 48T 2M 1 tag/restart 1 repeat...



SIRENS CALL D 32M 4T 1intro...


skiffle time

skiffle time I 64T 4M...


smiling song

smiling song D 32T 4M...



soldier N 32T 4M...


some beach

some beach D 32T 2M...


some kind of wonderful

some kind of wonderful D 32T 4M 1restart...


something in the water

something in the water D 32T 4M...


somewhere in my car

somewhere in my car I 64T 2M 1 restart...


soul for 2

soul for 2 N 32T couple en cercle...


soul shine pizza

soul shine pizza D 32T 4M...


southern delight

southern delight I 32T 4M...


southern sky

southern sky N 64T 4M 2restarts 2tags 1final...



springsteen I 64T 3M restart...


stand by me

stand by me D 32T 4M...


start to sway

start to sway D 32T 4M 1 tag...


stay strong

stay strong N 32T 4M 1restart...


stealing the best

stealing the best D 32T 4M...



stitches N 32T 4M 1restart...


stomping ground

stomping ground N 32T 4M 4restarts...



story N 32T 4M 2restarts...


story of mr blues

story of mr blues N 48T 2M 1restart 1 final...


straight line

straight line I 64T 2M 1restart 1final...


strait down

strait down D 32T 4M...


strait songs

Strait songs D 32T 4M 2restarts...


strait to the bar

strait to the bar I 64T 4M 3restarts...



stripes I 64T 4M 1restart 1 final...


strong bounds

strong bounds I 64T 2M 4 restarts 1 final...


sugar kane

sugar kane D 32T 4M...


summer fly

summer fly D 32T 2M 1 tag...


sun of Jamaïka

sun of Jamaïka N 64T 2M 2tags 1restart...



sway D 16T couple...


sweet 16

sweet 16 D couple 16T...


sweet caroline

sweet caroline N 56T 2M phrasée 1restart tag...


sweet hurt

sweet hurt N 64T 4M...


sweet Ireland

sweet Ireland I 64T 4M 1tag 1final...


sweet maureen

sweet maureen D 32T 4M...


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